Saturday, November 23, 2013

50 Years ago today … well, we all know what day it is so we have JFK the movie, 200 + books on the murder, and two new books to compare … Who Really Killed JFK by Dr. Jerome Corsi and Killing Kennedy by Bill O'Reilly Lets compare them .. NOTE: I always buy the books so I have purchased these two books one the O'Reilly I have the hard copy .. however on the Corsi book I have it on one of my Kendal Readers. I had to get this one on day of release as Andrea Shea-King was interviewing the Good Dr. that evening. I received it, read it in one day. I have reviewed the physical book in a store. I purchased both books from Amazon.

I think it is worth the note that the reason I wanted the Corsi book on Kendal was because he is known for his great detail in support of his research. I carry the reader with me for quick reference so that was a book I wanted to have close. The O'Reilly book I purchased for the read. OK lest look at the two books.

Killing Kennedy is a great presentation, the dust jacket is first class in fact embossed ! I give this a A+ the paper is good not acid free. A First Edition should be in acid free paper. The type is good. All in all a good presentation.

Who Really Killed Kennedy presentation here is good but not great. Plain jacket, I give it a B for presentation, paper is not acid free. Type is good.

Subject Background: I am a JFK assassination buff. I was in high school in Atlanta when it happened they played the radio broadcast on the intercom. I was not emotional as in my family, while we had supported JFK we were not happy with his policies, the rub was Bussing and Bay of Pigs. Over the years I acquired about 40 books on the subject, this does not include the 26 volumes of Warren Commission Report, nor the two copied of the Report. I sold the 26 volume set to a dealer in 2006 to raise money to pay legal fees in my fraud suit to recover my money I lost. I have interviews with several people in the CIA, FBI people in the plaza on that day. I also had a chat with Richard B. Russell who was on the Warren Commission. And many experts on different issues related to the event.

The books I have used as reference resources in the past have been Crossroads by Jim Marrs / Kill Zone by Craig Roberts / JFK by Fletcher Prouty, the JFK movie was based on this book and with reference to Crossroads / LBJ and the Conspiracy to Kill kennedy by Joseph P. Farrell / in addition to these books I also include in the reference the Warren Commission Report / in addition I also include a number of the World Watchers International by Mae Brussell which are on Tape now Digital these are original broadcasts from Radio Ms. Brussell made tapes to deliver to customers outside her broadcast area (a early pod cast?). There are a total of 862 of these tapes all available on line now. You always have to have some reference set this is mine. Again these few out of some 40 I own and some 100+ I have read and have the notes from. I also have a copy of the Corsi interviews from Ms. Kings Blog Talk Radio and Dr. Corsi's appearance, twice, on Coast to Coast .. plus the interview of Dr. Charles Wecht on Ms. Kings Blog Talk Radio from the replay on 11-21-1963

Now to the subject at hand. These two books are important as the O'Reilly book as been made into a TV movie, which I have seen, as to the comparison between the two, there is none. Mr. O'Reilly does an interesting job of making a few interesting points about Jackie O … which was not really covered by the media at the time and the surprise fact that as a young reporter O'Reilly was at the door of the Palm Beach home of George de Mohrenschildt when he committed suicide. This fact was are informed of in the Afterword list of people involved,  which is not a real reference as there are at least 100 that, if you are going to do it this way, you should have included. This punch line is on page 300 of the 325 page book. The cover has a box under the title: The End of Camelot to add to the romance of the book. Implied conclusion is that Oswald was the lone gunman, as Dr. Wecht said 'the man tested that he had not fired a gun that day'. That alone takes away the romantic feel of the book !

Dr. Corsi's book is the other end of the rainbow. If you are not hooked in the preface, you are not interested in the subject. I worked on campaigns for Herman Talmadge I heard Senator Russell on his view of the Warren Commission Corsi in one quote nails it. I have a number of Dr. Corsi's  books. His insight alone is worth the price of the book. And his reference foot notes and support information is detailed to surgical levels. Any one of his books are like taking look inside a watch. The Dr. does not spend a lot of time trying to tell a story, the story is the historical facts, a young president in trouble, a stolen election for President, a beautiful family and wife, and a well spoken son of a mafia don, who in the end is shot dead in Dallas Texas. That is the story, no need to make it romantic there never was a Camelot no matter the hype O'Reilly places on it. Corsi does not disappoint he makes these investigative works of his read alike a Robert Parker Novel.

If you are reading the book for a general reference work O'Reilly's is a good place to start. An easy read, but if you are trying to have a reference work Corsi's is it. If you are only going to buy one book; again this is it.  Keep a pen and note book handy you are going to right a lot of information down! IF two O'Reilly's might be a good place to start but the Prouty book is better, as is Crossroads. That said if you want a world class Summery Dr. Jerry Corsi nails it to the floor. OK, I will give you one line … "Camelot, the magic of the JFK administration, was destroyed in the span of less than ten seconds." You can not say it better than that … The real story is the 1,000 things that just do not add up … Corsi has it in spades … I refuse to revel any of the stuff you might have no idea about because that is the story.

Review on Substance:
Killing Kennedy …………...…. C-     over all 3 stars
Who Really Killed Kennedy …. A++  over all 6 stars our of a possible 5

My final review on Corsi's book it is one of a few books I recommend buying two copies, one for notes and one for keeping in the collection, and it is one of only 8 books I have given 6 stars to … Buy the Corsi Book.

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Review of "Stealing You Blind: How Government Fat Cats are Getting Rich Off of You."

Ten Outrageous Government Boondoggles
And Dozens More Shocking Examples of Waste and Greed
"If you believe public servants should serve the public and not themselves, get this book."—Michelle Malkin
I have long been on the bandwagon to open the door to what happens behind closed doors in Washington.  Now here is a guy who has the guts to publish some of the real facts and figures about what us Taxpayers are on the hook for.  You'd think we were nothing more than a bunch of dumb cattle coming when the bell is sounded and then being milked for everything we have.  

Did you know:
  • Washington spends $92 billion on corporate welfare versus $71 billion on homeland security  ( just take a trip to the AZ or TX border and see how well that is working out) 
  • Washington spent $1.8 million to help build a private golf course in Atlanta, Georgia (Now let's see, who is that plays more golf than any other president???)
  • Los Angeles spent $111 million in stimulus money—to create 55 jobs (and I bet that money didn't end up in the hands of the workers either!) 
Since Crime INC has taken office the new motto for this country has emerged: Government by the bureaucrats, for the bureaucrats and of the bureaucrats.  And what's worse, it's for their preservation of a lifestyle we could only dream of attaining. 

Author Iain Murray in his shocking new exposé Stealing You Blind: How Government Fat Cats are Getting Rich Off of You points out in witty prose what happens in what used to be the People's house and the senate. 

Blowing the whistle on the out-of-control bureaucracy, inflated salaries, sky-high pensions, and so called "work" that defines the public sector, Murray unveils the unbelievable truth about where—and how—American's hard earned money is being spent. Murray reveals just how much goes into the pockets of bureaucratic officials, their incompetent government workers, lazy union bosses, and even educators banned from the classroom. 

"Our government claims they have The People's best interest in mind," says Murray, "but politicians and bureaucrats siphon taxpayer money to benefit only themselves and their cronies." 

Filled with shocking stories of boondoggles and bloat, Stealing You Blind is a rousing call to reclaim our rights as taxpayers and save our economy from the bureaucrats who are driving America to financial ruin.

Friday, September 17, 2010

Welcome to My World

Well, Well, Well.  You all know what you're thinking.  That fool, that idiot, that crazy old what's he up to?  I have read over 10,000 books and counting.  Read 10 or more each week.  What's a guy to do with all that knowledge?  Could run a company.  Done that.  Several times. I know, I know, I KNOW....that doesn't matter to anyone.  Could elect a congressman.  Done that....but not here.  Someone told me I wasn't sophisticated enough for Arizona politics.  Being a Southerner, politics and football are the only sports and both are bloody.  But....for another day.  So here's the deal.  I will give you a brief overview of the books that I believe are important.  If you have one that you think I haven't read...try me.  So hold on to your seats, we're ready to rock this world!!! 
I want to be notorious, more notorious than John Dillinger/I want to be called Mr. Music........